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Owner Representation

Owner Representation is a service that provides a qualified and experienced representative to act on behalf of the project owner in managing the construction process.

Construction Budget Management

Construction Budget Management is a critical component of any construction project, as it helps to ensure that the project is completed on budget and within

Value Engineering

Value Engineering is a systematic approach to improve the value of a project or product by analyzing its functions and features.

Cost Analysis

Cost Analysis is a critical component of any business or project, as it helps to understand the financial implications of decisions and actions.

Cost Estimating

Cost Estimating is an essential component of any construction project, as it helps to ensure that the project is completed on budget and within the

Schedule Oversight

Schedule Oversight is a critical component of any construction project, as it helps to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.


Contract Management is a vital process for any organization that wants to effectively manage its contractual obligations and maximize its performance.

Change Order Management

Change Order Management is a critical component of any construction project, as it helps to ensure that any changes or deviations from the original plan

Construction Management

Construction management is a critical component of any construction project, as it helps to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and

Loan Draw Inspections

Loan draw inspections provide a valuable service for lenders and borrowers involved in construction or renovation projects.